Dumpster Rental In Novi, MI

Dumpster Rental

There are a variety of reasons that renting a dumpster can be beneficial. If you have a large number of unwanted items to throw out then a dumpster rental would be most convenient instead of throwing out little by little on a weekly basis and waiting for garbage pick-up. You can rent a dumpster in a variety of sizes based on the amount of garbage you want to get rid of.

Why Rent A Dumpster?

A garage can quickly fill up with unwanted items and junk and turn into a storage unit. Renting a dumpster might be necessary to clear it out quickly and efficiently. Another reason to rent a dumpster is that if you are moving, you may have years worth of accumulated junk throughout your home. By getting rid of these items you decrease the number of items you would need to pack and transport over to the new location. This will also make the unpacking process go much smoother and faster. Other reasons to rent a dumpster include remodels or renovations of your home or business. With big projects comes a lot of waste including wood, metal, insulation, flooring, and more. Renting a dumpster is convenient for a variety of projects that involve a lot of waste.  

Cost Of A Dumpster Rental

The cost of a dumpster rental will vary mainly on the size of the container. The prices quoted will typically include drop-off and pick-up of dumpster, disposal of waste, fuel charges, and taxes. The size of a dumpster can start off at 10 yards and go up to 40 yards which can cost anywhere between $300 to $500. You must review the contract before signing to ensure you do not look over any hidden fees including if the dumpster is over its weight allowance, you keep the dumpster longer than expected rental dates, dispose of hazardous or prohibited materials, and a long-distance fee.  Finally, you should consult the dumpster company to make sure you pick out the right size dumpster to avoid the rental of a larger dumpster that will cost more money.

Dumpster Rental With OnSite Hauling In Novi, MI

If you are in need of a dumpster rental for your home or business in Novi, MI, OnSite Hauling is the company for you. We are licensed and insured and can assist in any job size. We offer rubber wheel dumpsters in a variety of sizes between 5-yard to 30 yards. We offer each of our customers professional and quality service. You can count on us to handle the job quickly and efficiently. If you call before noon, we will deliver your dumpster the same day. To learn more about our services you can call 734-751-0330, or contact us online so that we can start your dumpster rental service today!

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